Septic Tanks
For properties that do not have a connection to a mains sewer the septic tank is a very popular sewage treatment process that has been in existence for hundreds of years. The unit separates solid and liquid waste, allowing the liquid to seep into the surrounding earth via a soakaway.
Septic tanks will require maintenance to prevent problems leading to sewage overflowing or soakaways blocking. However, even if the tank is regularly maintained other external factors caused by adverse weather, ground movement, building work or rodent infestation can lead to detrimental performance of your tank.
If you suspect you have a problem with your tank we have experienced technicians who are able identify existing faults and offer an effective solution using the very latest technologies to carry out any repairs with minimal inconvenience and cost to you.
If, for whatever reason, Your existing septic tank no longer fulfils your needs and a new tank is required we are on hand to provide a full installation service, ensuring the new septic tank is the right size and type for you and your family's needs.